Since April 2016, the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU is valid for electrical equipment in a range of 50 to 1000 volts for alternating current and 75 to 1500 volts for direct current. There are some exceptions for ATEX products and for electrical components intended for passenger/freight lifts.
The Declaration of Conformity and the CE marking of the product enables the manufacturer or distributor to confirm the product’s compliance with the requirements of the directive. A manual must also be written which contains all information required to safely handle the product during its reasonably foreseeable use. These are derived from the residual risks from the risk analysis.
This information must be delivered in the local languages of the relevant EU countries; merely English or German instructions are insufficient.
The limitation of the Machinery Directive is also a topic that concerns many customers where we can provide advice and support.
As a service provider for technical documentation, we give our customers the assurance that they are moving forward in meeting the requirements of the Directive and the Product Liability Act.
Analysis of current-state product classifications
Does your product fall under the Low Voltage Directive or the Machinery Directive? What needs to be documented according to the Low Voltage Directive? What should the Declaration of Conformity look like? Are translations necessary? We can assist you with your questions relating to the Low Voltage Directive and the actual implementation of your obligations as a manufacturer. Our services include both analysis and implementation.
Implementing translation requirements
Translations of safety information is clearly regulated within the framework of the Low Voltage Directive; such text must be translated into the respective language of the target country. We offer translations into 37 languages along with layout post-processing and PDF publishing. Our success as a service provider is confirmed when we have sustainably eased your burden.
Implementing manuals
Our focus as a service provider is authoring. You benefit because tasks from the analysis phase are rapidly implemented. Since the Low Voltage Directive does not specify any binding content for instruction leaflets/instructions, yet does require safety-related information, the resulting documents are customised. The basic standards IEC 82079-1, ANSI Z535.6 and ISO 3864-2 provide our guidance here.
Analysis of current-state product classifications
Does your product fall under the Low Voltage Directive or the Machinery Directive? What needs to be documented according to the Low Voltage Directive? What should the Declaration of Conformity look like? Are translations necessary? We can assist you with your questions relating to the Low Voltage Directive and the actual implementation of your obligations as a manufacturer. Our services include both analysis and implementation.
Implementing manuals
Our focus as a service provider is authoring. You benefit because tasks from the analysis phase are rapidly implemented. Since the Low Voltage Directive does not specify any binding content for instruction leaflets/instructions, yet does require safety-related information, the resulting documents are customised. The basic standards IEC 82079-1, ANSI Z535.6 and ISO 3864-2 provide our guidance here.
Implementing translation requirements
Translations of safety information is clearly regulated within the framework of the Low Voltage Directive; such text must be translated into the respective language of the target country. We offer translations into 37 languages along with layout post-processing and PDF publishing. Our success as a service provider is confirmed when we have sustainably eased your burden.
Scriptor highlights
- Consultation and analysis
- Creating instruction leaflets / instructions
- Translating into 37 languages
- Schedule-driven services
Scriptor highlights
- Consultation and analysis
- Creating instruction leaflets / instructions
- Translating into 37 languages
- Schedule-driven services
Your advantages
- Analysis, consulting and implementation through one agency
- Complete outsourcing to lighten your load
- 30 years experience creating directive-compliant technical documentation
- Working with electrical technology customers with a high export share
Your advantages
- Analysis, consulting and implementation through one agency
- Complete outsourcing to lighten your load
- 30 years experience creating directive-compliant technical documentation
- Working with electrical technology customers with a high export share
Dokumentations Service GmbH
Krackser Strasse 12c
33659 Bielefeld
Tel: +49 521 950220
Fax: +49 521 9502225
Heike Hettwer
+ 49 521 950220